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aAaB aCaD aEaF aGaH aIaJ aKaL aMaN aOaP aQaR aSaT aUaV aWaX aYaZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
VELVEN-a-forte 31
VETA-a 5
VIP LEADER a super-hit 25
VISINE a.c. 5
VISTAAR a clear view 9
W/S WATERSHED a to z +oval 16
WAC-a-TAC 25
WE-2 capsules (a) 5
WRIGHT a-one 16
WRIGHT ball pen a-one 16
YARNS i filati a modena 16
YATRA a flavour of india 34
YOGI brand VT a-1 gold +man 30
ZEVAR a substitute of gold 35
a a-TOUCH the real fabric 24
a a-style 25
a new AGE a new EDGE 42
a.t.a ROYAL india +crown 11
a1 a-one DISTRIBUTORS +glob 24
ab a.b. APNA BAZAAR +circle 39
ak a.k. INDUSTRIES 11
anti-a monoclonal antisera 10
ap a.p. hardware 6
b.a.t. +leaves 34
bacillus mesentericus to-a 5, 30, 31
blend-a-med +snake 10
bust of a prince 34
c.i.a. CAMBALA INVESTIGATIO 9, 16, 18, 21, 25, 28, 41
cartoon of mouse in a plane 41
cat in a bowl 24
cd CADILAC a luxury care 21
chanakya i.a.s. academy 16
classic a-1 +oval 3
classic b.a.t. +3 leaves 34
click a guru.com 16
click a guru.com +oval 16
clostridium butyricum to-a 5, 30, 31
cook-up a feast +chef's hat 29, 30
d.a. & COMPANY 42
d.t.a's DETCO 23
d.t.a. SURYA POLY +sun 23
design-a-day +sun 16, 18
dhaba a punjabi THEME 42
dial for a truck +circles 39
dial-a-book CROSSWORD 16, 35
divine india a +square 8
e.a.r. +jaw 10
educate a child +ovals arcs 35
f.a.s.t. GUIDE 10
face of a cat 3
food central a way of life! 29
fresh-a-DENT +bottle & leaf 3
h.a.r.k 16
have a sip natural SIP +ova 32
hit-a-HAMMER 28
i'm proud to be a BHARTI 9
its a hit on PYRAMID 9
j.a. VIP BRAND 31
k KOPPEL a.w. 7
l.a. GEAR 18, 28
live-a-lot-more 5
m.a.i. ABEES +star & oval 25
new BPL a mod product 21
nothing beats a great L'EGG 25
okaland ATHLETICS a's 16
peas in a pod & square 36
photograph of a room 35
portrait of a family 2
portrait of a goddess 30
portrait of a man 2
pune g.a.s. P.L. +flames 11
r.a. LARGE 34
r.a. SMALL 34
red COLOR a style statement 25
royal buffet on a plate 43
s&a LIFESAVER CARD +circle 16
s.a. beedies +man 34
s.m.a.r.t. CONTROL 10
s.m.a.r.t. PALMAZ 10
sc JOHNSON a family company 3
sc johnson a family company 3, 4, 11
shimla a class gutkha 31, 34
super tasty a-one 17
t WOODS a more comfort look 25
towards a brighter tomorrow 37
trade mark a ART 14
triple a 5
v.a. VAC 5
v.i.s.a SMART PHOTO ID 9
v.p.a.s. +portrait 34
a1 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 11, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34
a1 +circle & flower 9
a1 +circles 1, 2, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34
a1 +leaf 25
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